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Supervision  for Headteachers and Senior Leaders

Headteachers are excellent at ensuring the mental health and well-being of their pupils, their pupils' families, and their staff. As schools accept rising numbers of pupils with complex special educational needs, with reduced funding, no special school places, the adverse legacy of Covid and all the pressures of running a school well, headteachers are under more pressure than they have ever been. Funding may be going down but parental complaints are rising. Headteachers are more accountable than ever and the demands on them are increasing. 


So who is ensuring your mental health and well-being? Headship is a challenging and often lonely job. You have to be there for everybody, be positive, be cheerful, carry everybody else's burdens, clear up the messes other people make and carry on with a smile. Can you talk to governors? Not easy when they have an employer role. Can you talk to the LA? What LA? Can you talk to your staff about your concerns? Unlikely. Can you talk to your family? Yes, but they have their own worries to deal with.


In other professions, such as social care and the NHS, there are clear structures of supervision to give people the opportunity to talk freely, vent, go over their concerns and anything else they want to discuss in a non-threatening non-blaming supportive environment. These structures have never been set up in education, and especially not for headteachers. Sadly, burn out among heads is on the increase, and more people are thinking they don't want to do that job. 


Carousel Education is now offering an innovative new supervision service for headteachers. We are your totally detached, independent, non-judgemental listening ear. This is not a counselling, coaching, or mentoring service, although it may draw on aspects of all three. It is simply a person you can talk to in total confidence, talking about whatever matters to you, without fear that it will get back to someone or that the person will think any less of you. 


We are offering an initial one hour online supervision session at the introductory price of £100. Subsequent sessions will be priced at £150 per hour.


Supervision & Support Sessions for Designated Safeguarding Leads

We also offer supervision and support for designated safeguarding leads and members of the school safeguarding team. This is a planned and regular two-way process which provides a safe space offering emotional support and aim to strengthen the knowledge, skills and attributes of the DSL / DDSL.

Aims of the sessions:

  • To explore and support the demands of a safeguarding role by having time to off-load and talk through complex and challenging situations.

  • To unpick key aspects of the role of DSL/DDSL and develop knowledge and confidence.

  • To offer support with emotional wellbeing, resilience and coping strategies.

  • To discuss and examine particular complex cases and provide further guidance which will impact the outcome of similar cases positively.

  • To celebrate success and analyse lessons learnt.

  • To enable an opportunity for reflection, creative and solution focussed thinking.

  • To analyse working practices and team dynamics in order to increase effectiveness.

  • To offer supportive challenge and set actions which will be reviewed collaboratively.

  • To set manageable work related actions and review progress.

  • To suggest CPD/ training opportunities or development needs.

  • To provide protected time in a calm and undisturbed space to professionally reflect on practice.



  • 90 minute online sessions to take place every 4 weeks / half term ( or as agreed) £180.00 / session

  • Written summary record of each session to be given to the individual – feedback on action, record of discussion, analysis of key strands, actions to be taken, future themes.

  • Regular verbal feedback and final summary meeting / report as required by school.


To enquire further or to make a booking for supervision contact:



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